Hello, this time not after 5 years but a lot less.
I've just finished working on the 0.4.0 update which redesigns a part of the Lobby UI:
not only bringing up the player limit of 4 to 8 (can support even more!) but also introduces a new feature: Teams!
Its up to you on how you want to play: 2v2, 3v3, 3v1, 4v2, no problem. The map editor also got some pretty nice features:
- Mirroring, which allows you to create symmetrical maps with ease
- Experimental Undo and Redo, for paint and bucket fill allowing you to undo your changes if you don't like them
Up until now, after every finished match all players would be sent back to the lobby. This version introduces the Victory Screen, showing the victorious team or player:
Here's the changelog containing the most important changes:
- This release increases the player limit on server to 8, and has the tech to support even more players
- The lobby UI has been partially redesigned, and now includes a new feature: Teams!
- Local multiplayer also is on-par with Online
- There are new maps available
- Level editor list now has a search bar
- Music now fades in and out, when switching to main menu/in-game tracks
- Level editor now also supports mirroring, allowing you to design maps much quicker
- You no longer have to place 4 spawnpoints to playtest a map - one is enough
- Experimental Undo (ctrl+z) and Redo (ctrl+y) feature in map editor - allows you to undo your changes done with the Paint and Bucket tools, keep in mind playtesting or loading the map will clear your history and it does not work with edit mode
- Map size limit increased to 51x51
- Bug fixes
- Spikes no longer kill you when you're standing on a tile above them
- New in-game song: Blast Off
- After the match ends, instead of being sent to the lobby you instead get the brand new Victory Screen
- You can finally save and load game schemes:
The game also has two game pages now:
When the game is finally released, it will be available free to download on the pages above.